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От Pasha Zakharov (2:5001/3) к Alex Batishchev
В ответ на Заголовок предыдущего сообщения в треде (Имя Автора)
Hello Alex.
19 Апр 09 11:43, Alex Batishchev wrote to Pasha Zakharov:
AB> Hi, Pasha!
AB> 11 Apr 09 16:34, Pasha Zakharov wrote to Pasha Zakharov:
PZ>> исходя из логики pаботы чтение всего сектоpа целиком выполняется
PZ>> инстpукцией пpоцессоpа LDIR,
AB> Серьезно? Там, что, содержимое сектора отображается на обычное
AB> адресное пространство?
однако да )
The 16 IDE registers are mapped to address space #7E00-#7E0F? but also to
#7E10-#7E1f and also to #7E20-#7E2F? /// #7EF0-#7EFF/ But it is
recommended to use only addresses #7E00-#7E0F/
Because the Data Register is 16 bit long? it is mapped in the following
way^ each word in the address space #7C00-#7DFF is mapped onto the Data
Register/ For example? if you want to write a word to the Data Register
you can write it to address #7C00|1 or to address #7C02|3 or to address
#7C04|5? etc/ This has the following advantage^ when reading or writing
sectors from|to disk? 256 words (=512 bytes=the lenght of a sector) should
be read from|written to the Data Register/ Because the Data Register is
mapped onto the whole address space from #7C00-#7DFF? it is possible to
use a single LDIR instruction for the whole transfer operation/
Reading from IDE device to memory^
LD HL,#7C00
LD DE,destination
LD BC,512
LDIR ;256 words are read from the Data Register
Writing from memory to IDE device^
LD HL,source
LD DE,#7C00
LD BC,512
LDIR ;256 words are written from memory to the Data Register
--- GoldED/386 3.00.Beta3+
* Origin: Living in interesting times (2:5001/3)
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